July 6, 2023 4:10 pm Back to Home
On this auspicious day, we pray that His Holiness may have a very long and healthy life so that we can all benefit from his enlightened vision and wisdom for as long as possible. We give thanks today to His Holiness for his tireless compassionate work and boundless inspiration. Please join us as we celebrate His Holiness’ 88th birthday and recognise the enormity and depth of His Holiness’ message of oneness and peace over the last six decades.
You can see His Holiness’ message to the public on his birthday here:
“Many people in different parts of the world have heard my name and appreciate what I have to say. What’s more, I have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For my part, I pray to be able to bring peace to the world by spreading an understanding of the oneness of humanity. By showing their approval for what I’m trying to do, my friends have given me their unaffected support, for which I would like to thank them.”
“Although I am just one human being, in the short term, I aspire to contribute to world peace in thought, word and deed, while in the long term I pray that everyone may reach Buddhahood, the triumphant state of omniscience, by ascending the paths and grounds [of bodhisattvas]. I rejoice that our different religious traditions make prayers for the benefit of all. In the Buddhist tradition we say that we all have buddha-nature, the potential for enlightenment, within. If we take care to nurture this buddha-nature, just as we would look after another human being, we will ultimately reach enlightenment.”
“On the occasion of my birthday, if you, my friends, can guard your minds and lead good-natured lives you will be joyful at heart and as a result will be able, directly and indirectly, to help everyone around you. Since Bodhichitta- the altruistic thought of enlightenment- is said to be the essence of the spiritual path, it is very important for us to be warm-hearted in the way we live.”
“As for me, these verses from Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds are my daily prayer: Like the earth and other great elements, and like space itself, may I remain forever, to support the lives of boundless beings, by providing them a source of varied sustenance. The four great elements- earth, water, fire and wind- are the basis of the external world, while the sphere of space supports all material things. From my side, I dedicate this very life that I have now to helping limitless sentient beings to the best of my ability. And until the end of space, I am determined to bring others as much benefit as I can. My dear spiritual friends, I urge you to adopt a courageous resolve such as I, your friend, Lhamo Dhondup from Amdo, have done. My spiritual friends, please give your support to my efforts by thinking – ‘Lhamo Dhondup, what you have done so far was right- it was the right thing to do.’ Thank you-all of you.”
May we all seriously consider His Holiness’ encouragement and advice for our own benefit and for the benefit of all sentient beings. May we continue to have His Holiness’ sage guidance for a very long time to come. We, at the trust would like to thank His Holiness for his unparalleled generosity and wisdom and wish him a very happy birthday.